About Brian Christenberry

Brian Christenberry

Brian Christenberry


An outgoing, charismatic, people-driven leader experienced in educating diverse teams on the science of building relationship capital and rockstar advocates.
For over 20 years, he has counseled multi-generational workforces, policy-makers, business leaders and associations on matters of leadership, relationships and legislative strategy.
Through the lens of politics and emphasizing relationships, Brian realized early on that communication and education in the halls of our government, translates to everyday corporate boardrooms and not-for-profit cultures.  Brian’s ability to develop relationships and empower talent is what drives the daily mission at Catron | Bryant Strategies. 
Brian prioritizes people, not power dynamics, and his accessible demeanor and “servant heart” mindset put development first and allow cultures to grow despite differences in generations and titles.
Known for his ability to build successful industry coalitions, and develop transformational relationships with policy makers and legislative leaders, Brian has developed employee, management and youth level programs to better educate clients and community partners on matters of leadership and strategic thinking.
Before founding Catron | Bryant, Brian previously served as vice president of a trade association in the energy sector and 20 year career in lobbying and government relations.  Brian is a graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington, and he and his family reside in Indianapolis, IN.